Tag: buddypress

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I recently needed a BuddyPress compatible Wiki component for a project and couldn’t exactly find what I needed with the available plugins in the WordPress repository. The first solution I found was BuddyPress Docs, which is a great plugin but was overly complicated for what I needed. The second solution I found was the Buddypress Wiki Component (bp-wiki). This plugin seemed to fulfill all of my requirements but it had a few bugs. Support for the plugin was lacking and the developer hadn’t updated it in over 2 years. Numerous people had opened support threads indicating it was not compatible with the latest version of WordPress. As a result, I downloaded the plugin and got to work. At this point, I’ve updated the plugin to be compatible with WordPress 3.8+. The frontend editor has been updated to use the wp_editor function in WordPress and javascript has been fixed to allow for inserts and updates to wiki entries. With the permission of the original developer, I’ve placed the updated code on GitHub. You can find the updated code here.