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Hardening WordPress: File Permissions

File permissions on computer systems have long been the go-to security mechanism to protect files and restrict access for authorized use only but file permissions can only work when they are configured correctly. WordPress, like all other client/server web content platforms has files that are presented to a webserver which makes them accessible to a browser. These files, if configured incorrectly, can introduce malware into WordPress sites or provide attackers a way to escalate privileges. publishes strict hardening guidance around file permissions here. To make configuring WordPress permissions easier, I wrote a script to automate the process.

For this script to work, I made a few assumptions about your environment:

  • Your web server is Apache installed on a Linux operating system
  • The root directory for your WordPress installation is located at /var/www/{virtual_host}/

To Run the script, supply the virtual host folder on the command line as a script parameter.

You can find the script below.

echo "Change owner on all sites"
echo ""
echo "chown -R -F www-data:www-data /var/www"
chown -R -f www-data:www-data /var/www
echo "Securing the entire site $SITE_FOLDER"
echo ""
echo "chmod 755 -type d /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER"
find /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
echo "chmod 755 -type f /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER"
find /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
echo "chmod 640 /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/.php" chmod 640 /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/.php
echo "chmod 640 -type f /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-admin"
find /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-admin -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;
echo "chmod 640 -type d /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-admin"
find /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-includes -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;
echo "chmod 440 /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/.htaccess"
chmod 644 /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/.htaccess
echo "chmod 766 /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/sitemap." chmod 766 /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/sitemap.
echo "chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-content/uploads"
chown -R -f www-data:www-data /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-content/uploads
chmod 777 -R /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-content/uploads
find /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-content/uploads -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \;
chmod 770 -R /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-content/upgrade
chmod 750 -R /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER/wp-content/plugins
find /var/www/$SITE_FOLDER -name 'index.php' -exec chmod 640 {} \;
echo "Done"

If this script helped you with your WordPress permissions please leave me a comment below.

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